Hello, It's Kyle. I am still looking for a game designing program. I can't believe how difficult it is to find a program that allows you to make simple, 2-d game. But I have the basic story worked out and I have some ideas for characters and enemies and stuff like that.
Here is the basic story:
The year is 2577. A hostile extra-terrestrial race has come to Earth and invaded the whole planet. They have technology eons ahead us and weapons hundreds of times more powerful than our own. This war has been raging for more than 40 years and has taken an enormous toll on the planet as well as the living beings on the planet. Millions of humans have fled Earth and scattered themselves across the galaxy, many forming small resistance and militia groups to combat the alien horde. The remaining humans on Earth and other extra-terrestrial allies are constantly fighting to keep the planet and the rest of the population safe.

There is currently very little that we know about the invaders, besides the fact that they come from somewhere within the Milky Way galaxy. They are a bipedal (or walking on two legs), reptilian race and are on average about 6-7 feet tall and weigh about 150-200 pounds. We do not know the name of their empire nor their race, so humans and their allies just refer to them as the Reptilians.

Well, hopefully I can maybe find a program to make the game. 

Kyle here. Still searching for a game making software. I am currently working on the story-line of the game. I already have the basic outline of the story and I give an insight into the setting and situation of the game. I need to work on the look of the game and how it is going to work. I'll need to create characters, enemies, weapons and other important things for the game. I haven't made much progress lately, but this week is spring break so maybe I could use some spare time to do those things. Hopefully I will have made more progress by the end of spring break and by the time I need to do my next blog.
Hello, it's Kyle. I'm still searching for a software or website to make games on. I didn't have much time to use the computer at my dad's house this week because I was only at his house for 2 days.
     I sort of changed my mind on what kind of game I want to make. I want to do either a side-scrolling plat-former/shooter or an over-head shooter/adventure game. I am currently working on a story for the game. I'm not going to write a HUGE storyline with lots of characters and dialogue, but I want to make a good, solid story that you can easily get into and follow. Hopefully I can get the ideas and story worked out by next week. 
     Kyle here. I'm STILL searching for a game making software. It's really hard to find a good software that works well and doesn't give you viruses. 
     But I do finally have an Idea of what kind of game I want to do. I'm probably going to make either a side-scrolling or over-head adventure game. I don't have an Idea for a game or what the game is going to be about, but I'm trying to come up with some ideas.
     I've considered making a shooter game, but I'm not quite sure if I want to do that type of game. I want the game to be simple to play, but yet not so simple that it becomes easy or boring. I want the game to have some depth and character to it.
Kyle Here. I still haven't found a game making software or website yet. It's pretty hard to find a free 2-d game maker that's safe (no viruses) and that works well. I'm also still thinking about what tpr of game I want to make. I either want to make a platformer/adventure game or an RPG. I'm trying to come up with a storyline for the as well. I hope to make more progress next week.
Hi, it's Kyle. I've finally picked a topic for my 20 Time project. I decided to try and create a video game. I would like to do a 3-d game, but I feel like that might be more difficult, complicated, and time consuming. A 2-d game would be a little easier to design and would not be as time consuming. Also, since I have never made a game before, I feel a     2-d game would be a good place for me to start.

I have spent some time researching websites and software that allow you to make your own 2-d game for free. I've had trouble trying to find one that I like and that works well. I'm also still thinking about what kind of game I want to make. Do I want to make an RPG? A side-scroller platformer? An adventure game? I not sure yet, but all I know is that I really want to make this game!
Hello, I'm Kyle. This is my first blog post about my 20 Time project. I haven't picked a specific topic yet, but I have a few in mind. 

One of the topics I have in mind is creating a video game. I've always wanted to make my own game for a long time. Another topic I have in mind is creating my own movie or stop-motion movie. I have been making videos/stop-motion movies for a while, but I never made a movie that was longer than 10 or 15 minutes. One other topic I've had in mind is to go on an adventure. I'm a fan of The Lord of the Rings and I've always wanted to go on an adventure or quest like that.


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