Hello, it's Kyle. I'm still searching for a software or website to make games on. I didn't have much time to use the computer at my dad's house this week because I was only at his house for 2 days.
     I sort of changed my mind on what kind of game I want to make. I want to do either a side-scrolling plat-former/shooter or an over-head shooter/adventure game. I am currently working on a story for the game. I'm not going to write a HUGE storyline with lots of characters and dialogue, but I want to make a good, solid story that you can easily get into and follow. Hopefully I can get the ideas and story worked out by next week. 
Emma B
3/7/2014 01:36:15 am

For the NPC's are you going to have them talk? With voices, and not just a subtitle pop ups? Just wondering


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