Hi, it's Kyle. I've finally picked a topic for my 20 Time project. I decided to try and create a video game. I would like to do a 3-d game, but I feel like that might be more difficult, complicated, and time consuming. A 2-d game would be a little easier to design and would not be as time consuming. Also, since I have never made a game before, I feel a     2-d game would be a good place for me to start.

I have spent some time researching websites and software that allow you to make your own 2-d game for free. I've had trouble trying to find one that I like and that works well. I'm also still thinking about what kind of game I want to make. Do I want to make an RPG? A side-scroller platformer? An adventure game? I not sure yet, but all I know is that I really want to make this game!

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